1.In nearly 200 years of recorded stock-market history, no calendar decade has seen such a dismal performance as the 2000s.
2.NCLB exposed the dismal performance of schools. But it has also demonstrated how clumsy Washington's hand can be.
3.Although soccer is China's most popular sport, fans are continually frustrated by the dismal performance of the men's team.
4.Berkshire's stock and bond holdings were mostly responsible for the company's dismal performance, according to the report.
5.He has never met Mr. Siris, but maintains, in an interview, that the hedge fund's recent dismal performance numbers 'speak for themselves. '
6.The dismal performance of existing investments has discouraged some Chinese buyers, and cautious Chinese regulators have discouraged others.
7.Barring a different clock speed for SP units, or other technology we are unaware of, this is a dismal performance from the Fermi shades.
8.Luckily, the assassination of the world's most wanted man coincided with the dismal performance of the Lib Dems in the local elections.
9.Question C: 'Does the dismal performance of new stock listings suggest the market is hitting a bottom? '
10.For instance, Beijing would like to reduce its dollar holdings, given the greenback's dismal performance.